Your vote counts!

Voting for district officers will take place at the District 35 Spring Convention. This year the convention will be held at the Milwaukee Mariott West in Waukesha, WI. The business meeting will be on Saturday, May 2nd, 2020.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Every club gets two votes.
  • Those votes are assigned to the club president and the VP-Education, but they can be delegated to another member of your club (only) via a proxy form.
  • Any Toastmaster attending the business meeting can carry a maximum of two votes.
  • Members of the DEC get one additional vote, for a maximum of three.

Here’s what to do to make your club’s voice heard at the convention:

If you’re the president or VP-Education of your club:

  • If you’ll be attending the convention, please attend the business meeting and cast your vote.
  • If you won’t be attending the convention, please designate a proxy holder to attend the business meeting and vote on your behalf. The proxy form can be found here.
If you’re not the president or VP-Education of your club:

Talk to your president and VP-Education and ensure that they’ll either be attending the business meeting, or designating a proxy holder to vote on their behalf.

If you’re an Area Director or Division Director:

Please communicate with your clubs to ensure that they’re sending somebody to the convention, and that the person they’re sending has any necessary proxy forms so they can vote on behalf of their club.

Also be sure to attend the business meeting yourself and cast your vote!